Sticky notes

I’m a WFH drone, meaning I spent a lot of time stressing about how my living space appears in 16:9. My partner tells me I’m awful at decorating — the only thing on my wall when she moved in was an apron.

So, I made two design choices. One: Anna Laura Art’s “The hero,” which has never not made me tear up.

Two: the sticky note wall. I love my sticky note wall. It’s on a door, which feels like a metaphor, but also it makes me look like a creative person. The currency of looking like a creative person is very high when you’re a writer. It’s solitary work.

A white double door covered in sticky notes. They read: "Yes, but... It's going to take more time. You're bareling holding on by your fingernails. Something is hurtling at you." "1,00 true fans = Kansas City Star" A picture of a three-leaf clover "One shots: relate characters to the quest, don't hook players on curiosity with no pay of, worldbuilding is a waste of time, start quickly, build collapsible encounters" "Your life would not be better if you were different" "Kazuo Ishiguro!!! Buried Giant, Remains of the Day" "Hanya Yanagihara" "Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work, Gideon the 9th, Buried Giant, Bird by Bird" "Thought. Scene. Thought. Scene. Thought. Scene. (Stephanie Foo)" "The invention of spoilers" "Casino Royale vs. Noble Hustle, and the frequency of good hands" "Action movies" "Dimensionality (like actually) + experience" "Humans in sci fi/fantasy" "Supertrue, supernormal, superstar" "Mount Tenpou" "Doomsday Argument" "Guns in Games" "Instagram vs the aggressively unaesthetic life"