A late night, smooth jazz post for your Sunday. No commentary on whatever, just one or two clerical notes now that I’ve been doing this for a while. If you’re more interested in the blog rather than the writing of the blog, I’m proud of some of the ideas from yesterday. Although they betray a pretty general lack of understanding about professional poker.
Having a space to explore new ideas, start a post before knowing exactly where it’s going to go, has been very productive. Feeling obligated to make that every post has not been so productive. I tend to wax long-winded.
Feeling totally free from the pressure of ever making longer posts sort of defeats the purpose. Daily posting is just numerically more taxing than weekly posting, but it’s a burden I took on because I thought it would help my writing. And it has!
From now on, I want to start identifying between “idea posts” and “collection posts.” Exhibit A, Exhibit B. The first lets me explore an idea, the second lets me share my collection — and in doing so, encourages me to collect more in my day-to-day.
I won’t be going on any strict posting schedule, but I would expect two idea posts Friday to Sunday, and one Monday to Thursday.
Then, of course, there’s planning posts like this one. Hopefully these are disappearingly rare. Next time I go for it, though, will be when I talk Substack and ideas worth sharing.