Posting times

An hourly heatmap across days of the week. The graph is titled, "Best post times."

In the extremely unscientific chats I’ve had with friends, they’ve all described the same approach to reading the blog: every couple of days they catch up on those couple of days’ posts. That’s good. I often push a post out at 10 or 11, especially collection posts, which is a very unprofessional posting time.

Posting the same time every day, every week, boosts engagement. I remember I used to look up a subreddit analyzer to give my posts the best chance of being seen, before deciding Reddit is a place I don’t really want anything to do with. That’s sort of a sad behavior in hindsight. Not that you aren’t within your rights to maximize digital potential, but I sought to maximize my online likability and short-term gratification, not build a meaningful platform.

I can post whenever I want on the blog. It’s my online house, and posting at 11:59 p.m. is sort of like castle doctrine.

But when I’m taking advantage of another platform, it only feels polite to keep some kind of bank hours. I like the idea that somone could look forward to a post at an hour on a day.

But I hate the idea of needing something every single week. Would love that! Except that I have a full time job.

But isn’t variable reinforcement more effective anyway?

But should I apply behaviorism to my art? Is that not just the Reddit thing again?

When the going gets ugh, I do what’s best for me. Feeling a post every other Saturday, but I reserve the right to post an essay whenever it’s done.