I watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

I watched this movie over two days and two monitors, so it’s not my most lucid or well-attended viewing experience. Good movie though!

  1. You know, I say “good movie,” but not for someone who’s put off by some truly despicable language. Just a blanket content warning here.
  2. I’ve never watched a movie exactly like this, in which narration from the book the movie’s adapted from intercedes between acts. Probably I would mind, except that the writing was rock solid. A great advertisement for said book. My favorite line: “He read auguries in the snarled intestines of chickens, or the blow of cat hair released to the wind. And the omens promised bad luck, which moated and dungeoned him.”
  3. Speaking of lucidity, I wasn’t generally all there in 2007 on account of being like eight years old. The cast of this movie really surprised me! I don’t know if this was the it-crowd of 2000s mid-budget things, but it was a strong showing. I actually like Brad Pitt quite a lot, plus Sam Rockwell and Garret Dillahunt (who was very busy that year). Casey Affleck was a highlight, particularly as the character of Bob Ford. Paul Schneider was (intentionally?) creepy. Plus the Zooey Deschanel jump scare at the end rocked me, I had to triple check that it was actually her.
  4. It lasted like 30 minutes too long. I mean, I suppose the film was bound by the real events it represented, but I think the story could’ve been a little less literal. It did such a good job of making me hate Bob Ford that I felt cheated when they tried to let him win me back.